
Sept. 10, 2022

The Chofu Free Flight Toastmasters Club’s 297th meeting welcomed us into Autumn, and all 11 Toastmasters present brought glowing smiles.

Our event started with the induction of a new member, Ms. N. She told us how she expects to become a better communicator through involvement in our group.

Our Toasmaster of the Day, Mr. D., Got us warmed up with a rhythm game that had us all thinking on our feet. Folloing that, we had short table topic presentations hosted by Mr. Y. on the theme of Autumn. The best talk award went to Ms. K., who explained how people in Japan celebrate the Harvest Moon.

Folloing these talks, it was on to our featured presentations where Ms. O. and Mr S. gave inspiring speeches. The second half of our meeting kicked off with insightful evaluations from Mr. K. and Ms. E and an overall evaluation of the meeting by Mr. C.

調布 フリーフライト トーストマスターズクラブ 公式ウェブサイト Chofu Free Flight Toastmasters Club Official Website

調布フリーフライトトーストマスターズクラブのページにようこそ! 英語と日本語でスピーチやプレゼンスキルを磨きませんか? 私たちはリーダーシップを養うスピーチ・プレゼンテーションの練習をするサークルです。 毎月第2・第4土曜日14:00~16:00、主に調布市文化会館たづくり&Zoomミーティングにて活動しています♪ 見学者はいつでも大歓迎!


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