第282回 例会報告 282nd regular meeting report





途中から、海外からのゲストも参加し、より賑やかで学びの多い会となりました。今日の言葉「Gratitude for」は、改めて、クラブのメンバーの存在・貢献等に感謝の気持ちを湧き起こさせ、人のつながりに感謝しました。』

『This was the second meeting after the new year. It was a meaningful and lively meeting.

First of all, we had a warm-up session before the meeting, which has become a standard practice recently. We all struggled with the quiz of names that we might know but didn't know. Only two of us were able to answer 11 questions! We were reminded of how little we know about the names of things we see in our daily lives.

The next topic for the impromptu speech was, in principle, to be answered with humor. It's hard to be humorous consciously. Humor is an essential part of making our life colorful. TM K, who introduced his message clearly, nakedly, about his obsession, was chosen as the BEST! Simple and humorous! It left a lasting impression on us!

Also, at the prepared speech session, both speeches were clear and conveyed the message well to the audience, and the evaluations for each speaker were thought-provoking with concrete suggestions. Based on these evaluations, I expect that both speakers will steadily improve their content to further resonate with the audience.

From the middle of the session, a guest from overseas joined in, making the meeting even more lively and educational. The word of the day, "Gratitude for," made me feel grateful again for the existence and contributions of the club members, and thankful for the human connections.』

調布 フリーフライト トーストマスターズクラブ 公式ウェブサイト Chofu Free Flight Toastmasters Club Official Website

調布フリーフライトトーストマスターズクラブのページにようこそ! 英語と日本語でスピーチやプレゼンスキルを磨きませんか? 私たちはリーダーシップを養うスピーチ・プレゼンテーションの練習をするサークルです。 毎月第2・第4土曜日14:00~16:00、主に調布市文化会館たづくり&Zoomミーティングにて活動しています♪ 見学者はいつでも大歓迎!


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