第283回例会報告 283rd regular meeting report
We had snow in this week in Tokyo. However it was beautiful day today and the meeting was also great and entertaining.
Today’s facilitator was Mr. D. He had warn-up session with playing the guitar and everyone joined impromptu Rap battle. You can easily imagine that it was really heavy work.
Next, we had the impromptu speech that was leaded by Mr. J. He prepared some topics as like your favorite movie, practiced gratitude and How internet improve your life. Today’s best speaker Mr. K was sharing his story that we won a lottery in his dream.
We had 3 prepared speeches in the meeting. Mr. K who had 2 wins for impromptu speech and prepared speech had great speech as “deaf ear to me” in Japanese. He shared how difficult people relationship is and how to work with people. It was great hints for all of us. Also his speech was almost perfect for 3 important things of speech, “theme”, “story structure” and “delivery”, that’s why we were very into his speech.
The word of the day was “fabulous”. That’s right, we had fabulous meeting today, thank you everyone. We will have the club contest at the next meeting. All the best for the speakers.