




続いて準備されたスピーチに移ります。今回はどちらも英語で行われました。トーストマスターYは「paying it forward」やコミュニティへの貢献の価値について教え、トーストマスターH.はウォシュレットの素晴らしさを説明しました。

ジェネラルイバリュエーターを務めるトーストマスターC.は、フィードバックセッションを開始し、トーストマスターK.による「Pay It Forward」の評価と、トーストマスターC.がウォシュレットスピーチを評価しました。



Chofu Freeflight Toastmasters meeting 330 was held on January 27, 2024, Eight members were present.

Toastmaster M. served as Toastmaster if the day and kicked us off with an activity that challenged us to tell a story in our second language using only three sentences. That really challenged us. Most of us are good at speaking verbosely, but few of us are masters of economy and conciseness.

Toastmaster S. Presented the word of the day ‘fantastic’ and served as Gramarian as well. It was a fantastic challenge for us to incorporate the word of the day into our natural speaking. Toastmaster N. served as the Timer and Vote Counter.

On to Tabletopics which were facilitated by Toastmaster I. He led us in a discussion of winter topics ranging from The Sapporo Snow Festival and hot springs to kotatsus and hot pots.These fantastic speeches all warmed our hearts, but especially Toastmaster S.’s which won the best table topic.

On to our prepared speeches. This time both were done in English. Toastmaster Y taught us about paying it forward, and the value of making a contribution to our communities. Then, Toastmaster H. Explained the wonder of washlets.

Toastmaster C. serving as General Evaluator got our feedback session started by introducing Toastmaster K.’s evaluation of Pay It Forward and Toastmaster C. evaluated the washlet speech.

Since our meeting ended early we entertained the idea of improving our feedback provided by Toastmaster C. Giving constructive feedback effectively is a difficult thing to do. Those who deliver prepared speeches often what fair and firm feedback. However, comments are often general or only focus on the good points. Toastmaster C,’s hope is that as we become better at giving feedback, we can offer up our impressions in ways that help the speakers to improve their speaking skills.

調布 フリーフライト トーストマスターズクラブ 公式ウェブサイト Chofu Free Flight Toastmasters Club Official Website

調布フリーフライトトーストマスターズクラブのページにようこそ! 英語と日本語でスピーチやプレゼンスキルを磨きませんか? 私たちはリーダーシップを養うスピーチ・プレゼンテーションの練習をするサークルです。 毎月第2・第4土曜日14:00~16:00、主に調布市文化会館たづくり&Zoomミーティングにて活動しています♪ 見学者はいつでも大歓迎!


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