調布フリーフライト 第327回例会
準備スピーチは本日は1つでした。Yさんが「Cashless society」というタイトルでスピーチをしました。YさんがCashlessの話をするのは意外でした。
Chofu Free Flight Toastmasters Meeting 327
Today's regular meeting had five in-person participants and one online, an unprecedented ratio of on-site participants compared to recent years.
During the warm-up, Toastmaster of the Day, Toastmaster K asked questions such as ``What have you accomplished this year?'' under the theme of ``this year,'' and each member made a presentation about what happened this year.
Today's word was summarize. Unfortunately, no one used summarize during the meeting.
For the table topic, Toastmaster S gave five questions such as ``My favorite book and why.'' Four of the five topics were related to vacation.
We only had one prepared speech today. Toastmaster Y gave a speech titled "Cashless Society". I was surprised that Toastmaster Y talked about Cashless, because he is the most senior member of our group. Maybe, his mind is the most youthful.
In the commentary, Toastmaster N mentioned the good points and areas for improvement in Toastmaster Y's speech.
After the regular meeting, five participants went out for a holiday drink andi to scout locations for our Christmas event.