第288回例会報告 288th regular meeting report
全体の司会者、Toastmaster of the Day(TMOD)は、今年度入会のSさん。TMODとしてこの日のウォームアップのためにSさんが準備したネタは「世界三大リゾート地は?」「世界三大美女は?」などのクイズ。知っているつもりでも知らないことが多く、珍回答も続出し、冒頭から大笑いでした。
Fun meeting with 11 attendees
Eleven members and guests attended the Chofu Free Flight Toastmasters Club’s 288th meeting on April 23 and it was filled with laughter.
The MC or Toastmaster of the Day was Mr. S, who became a member this year. As the TMOD, he hosted a quiz session as warm up. He prepared several questions asking the world’s best three: who are praised as the world’s most beautiful three women?; Where are the world’s best three resort destinations? There are many answers we thought we knew but we didn’t. Some funny answers came out and we laughed a lot.
Nest was the table topic speech session, where we try impromptu speeches. The MC for this session or the table topic master was the veteran Mr. S. The topics he prepared were very real-life oriented. For example, what you would say to a colleague who is debating if he should build a new house when all the prices are going up, and if you would give up a child for money. Speaking of those topics, each speaker let us peak into his or her view of life. Ms. E, who revealed her love to her daughter, won the best table topic speaker award.
The main event of the meeting was the prepared speech session, where each speaker perform 5-7 min. speeches they practiced in advance. In this meeting, three speakers spoke about insightful topics such as Ukrainian refugee issues comparing issues surrounding immigrants in Japan, effectiveness of visualization and stress society in Korea. Mr. J, also a new member of this year, won the best speaker award.
There was a small trouble in the beginning of the meeting ― our veteran, Mr. Y was unable to join the meeting online. But several members tried to help via phone and Slack chat. It reminded all of us the beauty of this club ― everyone is kind and helps each other!
The next meeting is Saturday May 14, 14-16pm at Meeting room 303 in Chofu Tazukuri center and Zoom.