第286回例会報告 286th regular meeting report






Good luck to representatives for Division B contest

Chofu Free Flight Toast Masters Club held a joint meeting with Kichijoji TMC on March 26, sending good luck to representatives of both clubs proceeding to the Division B contest to be held on April 10.

Seven members from Chofu and eight from Kichijoji attended the hybrid style meeting, held online and the venue of Chofu Tazukuri Center,

TM M of Kichijoji, who will be participating in the English humor speech contest of the Division B, spoke about common traits of big lottery winners. Speaking the very well organized speech like an American standup comedian, TM M made us laugh. TM K of Chofu, to be competing at the Japanese International speech contest, introduced how he survived difficult workplace relationship with humor through effectively organized story, gestures and tone of voice.

For each contestant, three members from opponent clubs made short evaluations.

The Division B contest will be held online on Sunday, April 10th, 9AM-17:30PM.

Chofu FF TMC next meeting will be on Saturday, April 9th, 14:00-16:00PM at Tazukuri No. 302 meeting room and online.

調布 フリーフライト トーストマスターズクラブ 公式ウェブサイト Chofu Free Flight Toastmasters Club Official Website

調布フリーフライトトーストマスターズクラブのページにようこそ! 英語と日本語でスピーチやプレゼンスキルを磨きませんか? 私たちはリーダーシップを養うスピーチ・プレゼンテーションの練習をするサークルです。 毎月第2・第4土曜日14:00~16:00、主に調布市文化会館たづくり&Zoomミーティングにて活動しています♪ 見学者はいつでも大歓迎!


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