Warm upではToastmaster of the DayのMさんより、Women's rightsに関するクイズが出されました。問題が難しく、1人しか正解できませんでした。
Table TopicsではKさんから「今年のゴールデンウィークはこれをやる」等のゴールデンウィークに関するお題が出されました。Best Table Topics Speakerには前回に引き続きYさんが選ばれました。
Prepared Speachでは、Yさんが「Bookstore in Jeopardy 」というタイトルでスピーチを行い、Jさんが「Why You Need a Coach」というタイトルでスピーチを行いました。Yさんは4/28開催のDivision E Speech Contestに出場するので、その予行演習を行いました。
そしてJさんが見事にDivision E Speech Contestで優勝しました!
Today's regular meeting was held with a total of 6 people, 3 in person and 3 online.
During the warm up, Ms. M from Toastmaster of the Day asked a quiz about Women's rights. The questions were difficult and only one person could answer correctly.
In Table Topics, Mr. K asked questions related to Golden Week such as ``This is what we will do this Golden Week.'' Mr. Y was selected as Best Table Topics Speaker again from last time.
In Prepared Speech, Mr. Y gave a speech entitled "Bookstore in Jeopardy" and Mr. J gave a speech titled "Why You Need a Coach". Mr. Y will be participating in the Division E Speech Contest to be held on April 28th, so we did a dry run.
In the evaluation, everyone gave one-word comments to Mr. Y and Mr. J. In particular, there were comments from various perspectives regarding Mr. J, who will be participating in the contest tomorrow.
There was a sense of excitement the day before the contest, and we had a very enjoyable regular meeting this time.
And Mr. J won the Division E Speech Contest!