TMODとWarm-upセッションはTM Cが牽引。初ゲストのWさんも参加の中、思いついたストーリーを繋いでゆくChain storyで体と心を温まらせた。Word of the dayは”thaw, 雪が溶ける・温まる・わやらぐ”。
テーブルトピックは2月のイベントを中心に展開、欲しい幸運を的確にお話しされたTM Sさんがベスト賞。準備スピーチは3名、ベスト賞はTM Eさん、家族の北海道旅行を通して「人生は短し・やろうと思った時に行動すべし」という普遍のメッセージに一同が頷く。論評は迷いを感じたTM Hさんのスピーチに対して、ズバリ切り込んで背を押したTM Sさんがベスト賞。さすがです。次回はインハウスコンテスト、英語3名、日本語1名のコンテスタントがスピーチを披露します。
The 307th meeting of the Chofu Free Flight Toastmasters Club was held on February 11, with temperatures finally warming up after the winter. 9 members attended, and the venue was warmed up with 4 participants.
The Word of the Day was "thaw," meaning "snow melting," "warming up," or "wawayagu." Our warm-up activity was a chin story about achieving your dreams. This activity required not only good speaking skill, but also active listening to ensure the next speaker kept the storyline logical. Our table topics centered around the February events, with the best prize going to TM S., who spoke precisely about the good fortune she wanted.
The best speaker award went to TM E for her universal message, "Life is short, and you should act when you feel like it,” using the setting of her family's trip to Hokkaido as the context for her presentation. The best evaluator award went to TM S, who gave clear and insiteful feedback of TM H's speech. TM S. took two awards, he is indeed a winner.
Our next meeting will feature the Club Speech Contest, where three contestants will present their speeches in English and one in Japanese. You are welcome to join us.