第301 回例会報告

A new chapter in our history takes off with 3 guests

The Chofu Free Flight Toastmasters Club held the commemorative 301st meeting on Saturday, November 12. There were only five members, but we also welcomed three guests including the Area K2 director and celebrated the new chapter of our cub's history.

The table topic session was conducted with memory as the theme. We got nostalgic talking about our favorite songs, movies, places and food.

Prepared speeches sere given by our veterans Toastmaster Y and H. Toastmaster H, who lives in Canada, stayed up late to attend.

Toastmaster Y’s speech was titled “bribe” and he spoke about recent bribery scandals surrounding last year’s Tokyo Olympics. It gave us an opportunity to consider the the recent news as some of us have lost tracks of what’s happening in the world beyond us.

Toastmaster H describes how to land an airplane. It was nice to peer into his life in Canada, because we’ve been very curious about his experiences since he moved there 2 years ago.

Only 2 participants joined at the venue — 1 member and 1 guest —leading us to think about missing opportunities of face to face meeting experiences.

The best table topics award was given to Toastmaster Y.

The next meeting will be Saturday, November 26 14:00-16:00 at Chofu Tadukuri #1202 meeting room! Hope to see you there.

調布 フリーフライト トーストマスターズクラブ 公式ウェブサイト Chofu Free Flight Toastmasters Club Official Website

調布フリーフライトトーストマスターズクラブのページにようこそ! 英語と日本語でスピーチやプレゼンスキルを磨きませんか? 私たちはリーダーシップを養うスピーチ・プレゼンテーションの練習をするサークルです。 毎月第2・第4土曜日14:00~16:00、主に調布市文化会館たづくり&Zoomミーティングにて活動しています♪ 見学者はいつでも大歓迎!


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