第277回例会報告 277th regular meeting report
脱獄映画に43分以上のウォーキング、今年のスピーチ目標本数、心に残るスピーチとは … 。調布フリーフライトトーストマスターズ(CFFTMC)の第277回例会は、様々なワードが飛び交い、全てのセッションがメインイベントと言えるような盛りだくさんな例会になりました。
Chofu Free Flight Toastmasters Club’s No. 277 meeting was held on November 13. It was a full meeting covering very diverse topics ranging from jailbreak movies, 43+ min. walking, target number of speeches this year and memorable speeches. All sessions were very rich as if they were the main event of the meeting.
In the beginning, we held an induction ceremony and welcomed 2 new members.
During the warming up session, that we implemented in recent meetings, Toast Master of the Day lead a word game in which we try to make up a story by each member adding a sentence. The story started by TM K’s statement that he watched a movie last night and we ended up talking about a jail break movie. It created a good laugh and warmed up everyone.
We had a prepared speech by TM E, who spoke about casual health principles that she observes. She talked about benefits of more than 43 minutes walk and maintaining empty stomach.
Last session was goal presentation. The club president asked everyone to set a goal for this fiscal toastmaster year, which ends in June, and 5 members presented. Members spoke about how many prepared speeches they will make this year and how far they want to advance in the Pathways. Some spoke about their Toastmaster activity goals in relation to life goals for this year. TM K, who served as the TMOD, said he wants to keep thinking about how to make memorable speeches, the difference between what he intended in messages and what he actually said, and how to motivate people without being pushy. His words impressed some of us. In next meetings, the rest of members will speak about their goals.